- Partner with Us
Have an Impact - If you want to see young people changing their life situations and working to achieve their goals, come and join us! We have a proven track record and more than 100 testimonials from young people. NLL is seeking a major donor to share the costs of running the Likusasa Letfu Project.
- Support a Student
Help a young adult start their first career - The Likusasa Letfu Project provides a one-year study bursary for a certificate-level or diploma-level course, with a monthly allowance to cover the student’s basic needs, life skills training and mentoring. The cost per student is E35,000 (about US$2,400), including the administration of the project.
Investing in our students is a social investment. A preschool teacher can start work straight after she finishes the course. She will earn about E2,000 a month.Your social investment in her will start to “yield” after one year. The return on the investment will be covered less than 20 months later.
- Share with Us
Facilitate workshops on issues that you care about - Our Advanced Training programme invites you to facilitate a workshop or a short course in your area of expertise, ideas you would like to develop, or stories you are happy to share. We specifically look for workshops on respect, wellness, gender, relationships, sexual harassment, gender-based violence, entrepreneurship, food security and leadership.